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Google Play is Here! But What Is It?


Android users, say goodbye to the Android Market and hello to Google Play!  Earlier this week, Google re-vamped their online marketplace.  Not only did they redesign the store, they re-branded it as well to Google Play.  But they didn’t just stop with the marketplace, Google Music is now known as “Google Play Music” , Google Movie is “Google Play Movie, and Google Books is “Google Play Books”.

This recent changes benefits both Google and the end users.  For Google it takes the stigma off “The Android Market” being only for Android users.  Google offers a suite of products for all users to take advantage of yet with “Android” being in the title it gives the impression that those products are exclusive to Android users only.  For users like ourselves, we can now seamlessly store all of our entertainment in one place utilizing the power of the cloud.

One thing to keep in mind is that your experience will vary while using this service based on your location. Here is a quote from the official blog:

“In the U.S., music, movies, books and Android apps are available in Google Play. In Canada and the U.K., we’ll offer movies, books and Android apps; in Australia, books and apps; and in Japan, movies and apps. Everywhere else, Google Play will be the new home for Android apps.” Google Blog

Like all things from Google we need to wait until the newness of it all wears of before passing judgement.  Google has had many products that have not performed as predicted (anyone remember Google Buzz?) but so far things are looking promising for Google Play.

Check out the introduction video below and let me know your thoughts.

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